Everybody knows the earth is ⅓ land,and⅔ water.Youwould think that having so much water on earth would mean that there would be no worries about running out of water.Ifwe had no water we could not drink anything.Peopleare wasting a lot of water now.Peopledo use water that is not drinkable people might argue.However,only2.5% of the Earth’s water is drinkable. About 1.2 billion people do not have access to clean water. That is why it is important that people realize the importance of saving water.     



In your home a ton of water is used every day.The average person uses about 80 to 100 gallons of water each day.Older toilets can use up to 7 gallons of water.If your toilet is not working then get it repaired immediately.New ones can only use up to 1.6 gallons of water.But still even if you used the bathroom 3 or four times you would use about 6 to 8 gallons of water.The average shower a American takes lasts for about 8 minutes and use on average 17 gallons of water.If you get a showerhead,called the low flow showerhead,it cut on your water by up to 20,000 thousand gallons.Not only that it will save 10% on heating your water. Your mom and dad may wash the car in the driveway but that uses up to 40 to 140 gallons of water,which is a lot compared to a professional car wash which uses 9 to 15 gallons of water.Next time when your parents are going to wash the car tell them to take it to a professional car wash.Or,you could tell them to buy a spray called “Eco Touch”’which is waterless.Don’t want to spend money?Then try these tips:When your water is heating use the water which is not heated and use it water your plants or for other purposes.Put a milk jug full of stones inside your toilet to displace water.Don’t leave water dripping.These tips will not cost you anything at all.



You can do many things to help save water,innot just your house butother places too.Ifin your school a toilet is not working then you can tell it to your teacher or principal.Youcan do many things like that to help save water.Byusing tips to save water you could help save thousands of gallons of water per day.Wateris a scarce source so you need to save it.Youare lucky to have access to clean water,andso you should save not just drinkable water but all types of water.Insteadof just telling people to save water just do it by yourself then tell them.Themore people save water the less water will be wasted.Sostart using these tips and save water!