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Animals are truly amazing.Some animals like cows are necessary for us.But other animals we fear because they can kill us.Some animals we should not be scared of.So let's get to the topic and discuss animals we should not really be afraid of.


Yes,they are deadly and can kill you.But without them there would be fewer crops.Small snakes feast on harmful bugs and insects.Larger snakes eat mice and rats which destroy crops, thus giving more crops.


People are afraid of sharks due to many reasons.One might be movies like "Jaws" which makes you scared of them.Sharks are estimated to kill about 10 people per year, while we kill more than 10 million per year.Sharks don't kill people on purpose.They often mistake them for food like seals.Killing them can have effects that can disturb ecosystems.


In Australia,some people are scared of spiders as most people seem to die in Australia because of spiders.There are many species of funnel web spiders in Australia but only male Sydney funnel webs have caused human deaths.30 to 40 people die per year because of spider bites in Australia,and in UK none are actually dangerous and just cause swelling for a few hours.In U.S just about 6 people die per year because of spider bites.These number are far less than the amount of people killed because of wars.

The Diamond Theft.